Space Elevators: International Astronautical Congress (IAC) Papers


Knapman, John M., “Exploiting a Space Elevator at Geosynchronous Altitude.” (PAPER)

Swan, Peter, and Bruce Chesley, “Space Elevators Lifting Extreme Masses to Support Solar Power Satellite Assembly at GEO.” (PAPER)

Swan, Peter A., and Cathy W. Swan, “Green Road to Space Leads to a Dual Space Access Strategy.” (PAPER)

Swan, Peter A., and Cathy W. Swan, “Massive Velocities for Large Spacecraft Towards the Stars.” (PAPER)

Swan, Peter A., and Paul W. Phister, Keynote: Jerome Pearson Memorial Lecture - “Space Elevator Apex Anchor Initial Research.” (PAPER)


Inoue, Fumihiro,, “Development of Space Elevator Climber Applied in High Vacuum Space Environment and Extraction of its Problems.”

Inoue, Fumihiro,, “Performance Verification of Space Elevator Climber with Hybrid Drive Roller and Development of Small Manned Climber.”

Kuzuno, Ryo,, “High-precision multibody model for space elevator including torsional deformation.”

Misra, Arun, “Controlled Deployment of a Partial Space Elevator.”

Niinobe, Ryuta,, “A survey for effect on the space elevator by electric particles in space.”

Robinson, Peter, “The Space Elevator Payload Journey Beyond GEO: Climber Concept and Options.” (PAPER)

Swan, Peter A., Cathy Swan, “Research into Characteristics of a Permanent Space Access Transportation Infrastructure” (Jerome Pearson Memorial Lecture). (PAPER) - (SLIDES)

Yamagiwa, Yoshiki, “Evaluation of the counterweight type space elevator: in the case applied to the altitude upper than GEO.”

Yamagiwa, Yoshiki, “Evaluation of the effect of current through cable on temperature and dynamics of space elevator.”

Zhang, Feng., “A Large-Scale Tether Deployment Control Scheme for Space Elevator Construction.”


Eddy, Jerry, “Dual Space Access: Evolutionary Step Towards Humankind’s Movement Off-Planet.” (PAPER) - (SLIDES)

Fitzgerald, Michael, “Space Elevator Transportation System Development Enables Many Missions.” (PAPER) - (SLIDES)

Griffin, Daniel, “Cislunar Orbital Transportation Study of Space Elevator Apex Anchor Releases.” (PAPER) - (SLIDES)

Ishikawa, Yoji, “Space Elevators for Resource Utilization in the Solar System.” (ABSTRACT)

Luevano, Eugene, “The Study of Direct, Planetary Insertion Orbits from Space Elevators.” (PAPER) - (SLIDES)

Nixon, Adrian, “Space Elevator Tether Materials: An Overview of the Current Candidates.” (ABSTRACT) - (SLIDES)

Page, William, “Transformational Release of Scientific Payloads from the Apex Anchor – Any Size, Every Day, Anywhere.” (PAPER) - (SLIDES)

Robinson, Peter, “Space Elevator Climber Dynamics Analysis and Climb Frequency Optimisation.” (PAPER) - (SLIDES)

Robinson, Peter, “Space Elevator Tether Atmospheric Wind Loading and a Cable Lift Concept.” (PAPER) - (SLIDES)

Swan, Peter, “Space Elevators as a Transformational Leap for Human Movement Off-Planet.” (PAPER) - (SLIDES)


Barry, Kevin, and Eduardo Pineda Alfaro, “Changing the Economic Paradigm for Building a Space Elevator,” IAC-21, 72nd International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, UAE, October 2021. (ABSTRACT)

Dotson, David, and Jerry Eddy, “Climate Action and Growing Electricity Demand: Meeting both challenges in the 21st century with space-based solar power delivered by space elevator,” IAC-21, 72nd International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, UAE, October 2021. (ABSTRACT) - (SLIDES)

Eddy, Jerry K and Peter Swan, “Space Elevators the Green Road to Space,” IAC-21, 72nd International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, UAE, October 2021. (PAPER) - (SLIDES)

Fitzgerald, Michael and Peter Swan, “Space Elevators Entering Engineering Development – Now,” IAC-21, 72nd International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, UAE, October 2021. (PAPER) - (SLIDES)

He, Teng, “Dynamic Analysis of a three-body Tethered Satellite System with Deployment/retrieval in Three-dimensional,” IAC-21, 72nd International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, UAE, October 2021. (ABSTRACT)

Inoue, Fumihiro, and Momoe Terata, “Development of Small Manned Space Elevator Climber Applying High-Load Cross Roller Mechanism and Utilization for Ground Facilities,”  IAC-21, 72nd International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, UAE, October 2021. (ABSTRACT)

Ishikawa, Yoji, “Exposure of Coated CNT Yarns to Space,” IAC-21, 72nd International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, UAE, October 2021. (ABSTRACT)

Kato, Ryota, “Analytical Study of the Dynamics of Lunar Space Elevator with considering the Ellipticity of the Orbit,” IAC-21, 72nd International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, UAE, October 2021. (ABSTRACT)

Knapman, John, “Secondary Tethers,” IAC-21, 72nd International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, UAE, October 2021. (SLIDES)

Swan, Peter, Michael Fitzgerald, Cathy Swan, Vern Hall, “Visions of Many Demand Space Elevators Start Now,” IAC-21, 72nd International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, UAE, October 2021. (ABSTRACT) - (SLIDES)

Terada, Ren, “Study on Orbit Control of Orbital Elevators by Propulsion System and Variable Length Tether,” IAC-21, 72nd International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, UAE, October 2021. (ABSTRACT)

Yokota, Shun, “Design of Tape-Spring Extension Mechanism for Space Tethered Systems,”  IAC-21, 72nd International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, UAE, October 2021. (ABSTRACT)


Eddy, Jerry, Swan, P. "Beneficial Environmental Impacts of Space Elevators," 2020 International Astronautical Congress - CyberSpace Edition. (PAPER) - (SLIDES)

Jorgensen, Anders, “How Does the Everyday Magnetosphere Affect a Space Elevator?” 2020 International Astronautical Congress - CyberSpace Edition. (ABSTRACT)

Koike, Kaishu, Shun Yokota, “Stable Tether Deployment in Microgravity Environment Using CubeSat,” 2020 International Astronautical Congress - CyberSpace Edition. (ABSTRACT)

Okino, Taiki, "Three-dimensional analysis of a counterweight type space elevator," 2020 International Astronautical Congress - CyberSpace Edition. (ABSTRACT)

Swan, Peter, Fitzgerald, M, Swan, C, Peet, M., "Fast Transit to Interplanetary Destinations," 2020 International Astronautical Congress - CyberSpace Edition. (PAPER)

Inoue, Fumihero, Momoe Terata, "Experimental Study on Heavy Load Climber Applying Hybrid Roller Mechanism for Small Manned Space Elevator," 2020 International Astronautical Congress - CyberSpace Edition. (ABSTRACT)


Cohen, Stephen, “Space Elevator Dynamic Response to Payload Release”, IAC-19, paper and presentation, Washington D.C., Oct 2019. (ABSTRACT)

Fitzgerald, Michael, Technical Maturity and Development Readiness of the Galactic Harbour, IAC-19, paper and presentation, Washington D.C., Oct 2019. (PAPER)

Guerman, Anna, “Space Elevator operation in proximity of asteroids”, IAC-19, paper and presentation, Washington D.C., Oct 2019. (ABSTRACT)

Ishikawa, Yoji, “Space Elevator Cable’s Oscillation Caused in Space Thermal Environment”, IAC-19, paper and presentation, Washington D.C., Oct 2019. (ABSTRACT)

Ishikawa, Yoji, Inoue, Fumihiro, “Experimental Study on Climber Mechanism Applying Cross Roller System for Small Manned Space Elevator”, IAC-19, paper and presentation, Washington D.C., Oct 2019. (ABSTRACT)

Knapman, John, “Progress Report on the Multi-stage Space Elevator”, IAC-19, paper and presentation, Washington D.C., Oct 2019. (ABSTRACT) - (SLIDES)

Li, Gangqiang, “Dynamics of Partial Space Elevator with Parallel Tethers and Multiple Climbers”, IAC-19, paper and presentation, Washington D.C., Oct 2019. (ABSTRACT)

Swan, Peter, “Interplanetary Mission Support from Galactic Harbour Apex Anchor”, IAC-19, paper and presentation, Washington D.C., Oct 2019. (PAPER) - (SLIDES)

Swan, Peter, Cathy Swan, Michael Fitzgerald, “Today’s Space Elevator Status”, IAC-19, paper and presentation, Washington D.C., Oct 2019. (PAPER) - (SLIDES)

Takeyuki Fukazawa, “Study of Tension Control Components on Earth Surface Platform for Space Elevator System”, IAC-19, paper and presentation, Washington D.C., Oct 2019. (ABSTRACT)

Torla, James, Matthew Peet, Optimization of Low Fuel and Time-Critical Interplanetary Transfers using Space Elevator Apex Anchor Release: Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. IAC-19, paper and presentation, Washington D.C., Oct 2019. (PAPER)

Wiese, Tim, A Journey of Student Space Elevator Development. IAC-19, paper and presentation, Washington D.C., Oct 2019. (ABSTRACT)


Aoki, Yoshio Jun Maeda, “Linear Direct Drive Motor Mechanism for Use in Tethered Satellites”, IAC-18, paper and presentation, Bremen, Oct 2018. (ABSTRACT)

Fukazawa, Takeyuki, “A Study of Marine Node in Construction Stage of the Space Elevator”, IAC-18, paper and presentation, Bremen, Oct 2018. (ABSTRACT)

Inoue, Fumihiro, “Experiment Study of Climber Mechanism with Cross Roller System for Heavy Load in Space Elevator”, IAC-18, paper and presentation, Bremen, Oct 2018. (ABSTRACT)

Ishikawa, Yoji, “Survivabilitiy of Carbon Nanotubes in Space”, IAC-18, paper and presentation, Bremen, Oct 2018. (ABSTRACT)

Kamogawa, Masashi, “Atmospheric electricity modulation caused by space elevator”,  IAC-18, paper and presentation, Bremen, Oct 2018. (ABSTRACT)

Knapman, John, “Maintaining stability of the multi-stage space elevator”, IAC-18, paper and presentation, Bremen, Oct 2018. (ABSTRACT)

Murakami, Daichi, “Design and development of the tether moving system using nanosatellite”, IAC-18, paper and presentation, Bremen, Oct 2018. (ABSTRACT)

Lades, Martin, “Mars Lift Update”, IAC-18, paper and presentation, Bremen, Oct 2018. (ABSTRACT)

Robinson, Peter, “Proposals For Growing Space Elevator TRL by operation of Demonstrator Systems,” IAC-18, paper and presentation, Bremen, Oct 2018. (ABSTRACT)

Swan, Peter Michael Fitzgerald, Galactic Harbour Duality – Enterprise and Infrastructure, IAC-18, paper and presentation, Bremen, Oct 2018. (PAPER)

Tsuchida, Akira, “Non-technological Risk Abstraction and Consideration for Space Elevator Development”, IAC-18, paper and presentation, Bremen, Oct 2018. (ABSTRACT)

Yamagiwa, Yoshiki, “Optimum Control of Cable Deployment of Space Elevator from GEO Station in Two Directions”, IAC-18, paper and presentation, Bremen, Oct 2018. (ABSTRACT)

Yasaka, Tetsuo, “Orbital Motion of Very Long Systems”, IAC-18, paper and presentation, Bremen, Oct 2018. (ABSTRACT)

Yokota, Shun, “The effects of payload transportation on the tethered ssystems in low earth orbit”,  IAC-18, paper and presentation, Bremen, Oct 2018. (ABSTRACT)


Cavallini, Anders, “MEO Tethered Space Elevator System Architecture Feasibility Study”, IAC-17, paper and presentation, Adelaide, Australia, Sept 2017. (ABSTRACT)

Inoue, Fumihiro, “Development and Driving Experiment of Climber Mechanism for Heavy Load in Space Elevator”, IAC-17, paper and presentation, Adelaide, Australia, Sept 2017. (ABSTRACT)

Ishikawa, Yoji, “Critical Technologies for Space Elevator’s GEO Nodes, Earth Port, Gates and Communications”, IAC-17, paper and presentation, Adelaide, Australia, Sept 2017. (ABSTRACT)

Kakuta, Tomohiro, “Thermal Study for the STARS-E Climber's Mission”, IAC-17, paper and presentation, Adelaide, Australia, Sept 2017. (ABSTRACT)

Misra, Arun, “Towing of Space Debris Using a Tether”, IAC-17, paper and presentation, Adelaide, Australia, Sept 2017. (ABSTRACT)

Nakashima, Kenji, “Design of reel-type tether deployment mechanism and analysis of tether deployment dynamics in the micro-satellite STARS-E for verifying the basic technology of space elevator”, IAC-17, paper and presentation, Adelaide, Australia, Sept 2017. (ABSTRACT)

Pasko, Vadym, “An assessment of the technological feasibility of applying GEO-based solar pumped lasers for feeding the Space Elevator exoatmospheric climber”, IAC-17, paper and presentation, Adelaide, Australia, Sept 2017. (ABSTRACT)

Penny, Robert, “Space Elevator GEO Node, Apex Anchor, and Communications Architecture”, IAC-17, paper and presentation, Adelaide, Australia, Sept 2017. (ABSTRACT)

Razzaghi, Kaveh, “Conceptual Design and Technology Roadmap for a Lunar Space Elevator”, IAC-17, paper and presentation, Adelaide, Australia, Sept 2017. (ABSTRACT)

Sato, Minoru, “Utilization of Space Elevator in Education and Outreach”, IAC-17, paper and presentation, Adelaide, Australia, Sept 2017. (ABSTRACT)

Swan, Peter, Michael Fitzgerald, “How the Space Elevator Grew into a Galactic Harbour,” IAC-17, paper and presentation, Adelaide, Australia, Sept 2017. (PAPER)

Swan, Peter and Michael Fitzgerald, “Space Elevator GEO Node and Apex Anchor Architectures,” IAC-17, paper and presentation, Adelaide, Australia, Sept 2017. (PAPER)

Suzuki, Yuto, “Suggestions of Research Areas and Future Experiments - Status Report of IAA SG3.24”, IAC-17, paper and presentation, Adelaide, Australia, Sept 2017. (ABSTRACT)

Wang, Xiaohui, “Dynamics Research of Initial Tether Deployment of Lunar Space Elevator”, IAC-17, paper and presentation, Adelaide, Australia, Sept 2017. (ABSTRACT)

Yamagiwa, Yoshiki, “Verification of Space Elevator Technologies; Present Status and Future Plan in Japan”, IAC-17, paper and presentation, Adelaide, Australia, Sept 2017. (ABSTRACT)

Yokota, Shun, “Regarding the Effect of a Climber's Motion on the Tethered Satellite System”, IAC-17, paper and presentation, Adelaide, Australia, Sept 2017. (ABSTRACT)


Inoue, Fumihiro, “Dynamic Behavior and Mechanism of Driving Roller for Climber Model in Space Elevator”, IAC-16, paper and presentation, Guadalajara, Oct 2016.

Ishikawa, Yoji, “Impact of Ascending and Descending Climbers on Space Elevator Cable Dynamics”, IAC-16, paper and presentation, Guadalajara, Oct 2016.

Jorgensen, Anders, “How do Realistic Magnetospheric Fields Affect Space Elevators?”, IAC-16, paper and presentation, Guadalajara, Oct 2016.

Knapman, John, “The Space Elevator Tower”, IAC-16, paper and presentation, Guadalajara, Oct 2016.

Knapman, John, “Stability of the Space Cable”, IAC-06, paper and presentation, Valencia, Oct 2006.

Penny, Robert, “Concept for a Space Elevator Earth Port”, IAC-16, paper and presentation, Guadalajara, Oct 2016.

Swan, Peter, “Space Elevator Development Sequence”, IAC-16, paper and presentation, Guadalajara, Oct 2016.

Swan, Peter, Space Elevator Lexicon, IAC-16, paper and presentation, Guadalajara, Oct 2016.

Takahashi, Sakurako, “Critical Technologies for Space Elevator”, Status report of IAA SG3.24, IAC-16, paper and presentation, Guadalajara, Oct 2016.

Yamagiwa, Yoshiki, “Study about the Performance for Simultaneous Deployment of the Cables from GEO Station under the Space Elevator Construction”, IAC-16, paper and presentation, Guadalajara, Oct 2016.


Pasko, Vadym, Space Elevator. Alternative Design Solutions., IAC-15, paper and presentation, Jerusalem, Oct 2015.


Aleksandrov, Oleg, “Version of the Space Elevator”, International Astronautical Conference-14, paper and presentation, Toronto, Oct 2014.

Cohen, Stephen, “Static Deformation of Space Elevator Tether due to Climber”, IAC-14, paper and presentation, Toronto, Oct 2014.

Guerman, Anna, “Dynamics of moon elevator”, IAC-14, paper and presentation, Toronto, Oct 2014.

Knapman, John, “Space Elevator in the Atmosphere”, IAC-14, paper and presentation, Toronto, Oct 2014.

Knapman, John, Space Elevator Research, IAC-14, paper and presentation, Toronto, Oct 2014.

Nogawa, Yuichiro, Space Elevator Concept Comparison Summary, IAC-14, paper and presentation, Toronto, Oct 2014.

Patamia, Steven, “Approaches to taming oscillations of terrestrial space elevators and reducing their exposure to van Allen radiation”, IAC-14, paper and presentation, Toronto, Oct 2014.

Penny, Robert, “Space Elevator Climber Operations”, IAC-14, paper and presentation, Toronto, Oct 2014.

Radley, Charles, “Lunar Skylift: Cable Oscillations and their Treatment”, IAC-14, paper and presentation, Toronto, Oct 2014.

Radley, Charles, “Lunar Elevator - Payload Transfer on Earthbound Flow”, IAC-14, paper and presentation, Toronto, Oct 2014.

Swan, Peter, “Space Elevator Tether Climbers – Normal Spacecraft?”, IAC-14, paper and presentation, Toronto, Oct 2014.

Yokochi, Masanori, “Experimental Study on Effect of Climbing Rider on Lateral Deviation of Space Elevator”, IAC-14, paper and presentation, Toronto, Oct 2014.


Fujii, Hironori, “Dynamics of Space elevator in Response to Disturbances”, IAC-13, paper and presentation, Beijing, Oct 2013.

Ganapathy, Rohan, “Conceptual Colonization of Space Using Space-Elevators from Mars' natural Satellite Phobos", IAC-13, paper and presentation, Beijing, Oct 2013.

Ishikawa, Yoji, The Space Elevator Construction Concept, Obayashi Corporation, 2013, IAC-13-D4.3.6. [The paper is not available online but Obayashi has a fancy visual web page on the subject (keep scrolling)]

Jorgensen, Anders, “How do Intense Magnetic Storms Affect a Space Elevator?”, IAC-13, paper and presentation, Beijing, Oct 2013.

Keshmiri, Mehdi, “Consideration of Tether Elasticity in the Deployment Phase of a Space Elevator System”, IAC-13, paper and presentation, Beijing, Oct 2013.

Woo, Pamela, “Energy Considerations in the Partial Space Elevator”, IAC-13, paper and presentation, Beijing, Oct 2013.

Yoshino, Kazuyoshi, “Experimental Study on Speed Control of Rider on Twisted Tape Tether Using Image Processing”, IAC-13, paper and presentation, Beijing, Oct 2013.


Kai, Sunao, The Law of the Space elevator -- The relationship to the Law of the Space, the Sea and the Sky, IAC-12, paper and presentation, Naples, Oct 2012.

Keshmiri, M. and Misra, A.K., “On the Deployment of a Sub-satellite in a Space Elevator System”, 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy, October 2012, Paper No. IAC-12.D.4.3.8.

Knapman, John, “Benefits and Development of High Stage One for the Space Elevator,” Naples IAC presentation and paper, IAC-12 D4.6, 2012.

Tsuchida, Akira, Space Elevator Roadmap 2012, IAC-12, paper and presentation, Naples, Oct 2012.


Aslanov, Vladimir, “Motion of the Space Elevator After the Ribbon Rupture, IAC-12, paper and presentation, Naples, Oct 2011.

Guerman, Anna, “Dynamics of a Planet-tethered Spacecraft, IAC-11, paper and presentation, Cape Town, Oct 2011.

Hein, Andreas, “Producing a Space Elevator Tether using a NEO: A Preliminary Assessment”, IAC-12, paper and presentation, Naples, Oct 2011.

Jorgensen, Anders, “The Interaction of a Conducting Space Elevator with Magnetic and Electric Fields in the Near-Earth Space Plasma”, IAC-12, paper and presentation, Naples, Oct (2011).

Knapman, John, “Space Elevator Stage I”, IAC-11, paper and presentation, Cape Town, Oct 2011.

Mazzoleni, Andre, “Deployment Dynamics of Space Elevator Ribbon”, IAC-11, paper and presentation, Cape Town, Oct 2011.

Penny, Robert, Space Elevator CONOPS Initial Thinking, IAC-12, paper and presentation, Naples, Oct 2011.

Swan, Peter, Cosmic Study Overview – Space Elevator Feasibility, IAC-12, paper and presentation, Naples, Oct 2011.

Swan, Peter, Quick-Look Operations Concept for a Space Elevator, IAC-11, paper and presentation, Cape Town, Oct 2011.

Swan, Peter, “Space Elevator Design Aspects for the Environment”, IAC-12, paper and presentation, Naples, Oct 2011.

Tsuchida, Akira, Space Elevator Road Map 2011, IAC-11, paper and presentation, Cape Town, Oct 2011.


Iwase, Satoshi, “Comfortableness in Space Elevator — Physiological Challenge”, IAC presentation and paper, IAC-10 Session D4, 2010.

Knapman, J., “Diverse Configurations of the Space Cable,” 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 27 September 27- 1 October 2010.

Lades, Martin, “Wireless Power Transfer to a Moving Vehicle: Explorations with the Kansas City team for the NASA/Spaceward power beaming challenge”, IAC presentation and paper, IAC-10 Session D4, 2010.

Ohkawa, R., Uchiyama, K. and Fujii, H. A., “The Effect of Disturbance on Space Elevator Dynamics with Flexibility,” 61th International Astronautical Congress, Prague, IAC-10-D4. 4. 5, 27 Sep. -1 Oct. 2010.

Okada, Morihiro, “Light and strong CNT fiber spun with CNT web”, IAC presentation and paper, IAC-10 Session D4.

Swan, Peter, “First Space Elevator: on the Moon, Mars or the Earth?”, IAC presentation and paper, IAC-10 Session D4, 2010.

Takeichi, N., “Geostationary stationkeeping control of a space elevator during initial cable deployment”, 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, October 2010, paper No. IAC-10-D.4.4.7.

Tsuchida, Akira, “Preliminary Systems Requirements for the Space Toilet on the Space Train”, IAC presentation and paper, IAC-10 Session D4.

Tsuchida, Akira, “A Space Elevator Roadmap 2010,” 2010 IAC, Prague, Oct 2010.


Hein, Andreas, “Analysis of possible changes in spacecraft design due to the usage of a space elevator for transportation”, 2009 IAC, paper and presentation, Daejeon, Korea.

Meulenberg, Andrew, “LEO-based space-elevator development using available materials and technologies”, 2009 IAC, paper and presentation, Daejeon, Korea, Oct 2009.

Penny, Robert, “Space Elevator Debris Mitigation Policy”, 2009 IAC, paper and presentation, Daejeon, Oct 2009.

Rugescu, Radu, “Independent dynamics and stability of twin tethered objects”, IAC-09, paper and presentation, Daejeon, Korea, Oct 2009.

Swan, Peter, “Creation of the International Space Elevator Consortium”, 2009 IAC, paper and presentation, Daejeon, Korea, Oct 2009.

Tsuchida, Akira, Japanese Space Train concept, 2009 IAC, paper and presentation, Daejeon, Oct 2009.

Yasaka, Tetsuo, “Dynamics and Stability of Space Elevator during Initial Deployment”, IAC-09, paper and presentation, Daejeon, Korea, Oct 2009.


Lenard, Roger, “Mid-Earth Momentum Transfer Tether”, IAC-08, paper and presentation, Glasgow, Oct 2008.

Matloff, Gregory, The Partial Space Beanstalk: Its Application to Space Migration and Commerce, IAC-08, paper and presentation, Glasgow, Oct 2008.

Mistry, Ashish, “Elevator Transportation Between Mars & It’s Moons”, IAC-08, paper and presentation, Glasgow, Oct 2008.

Meulenberg, Andrew, “Sling-on-a-ring: a realizable space elevator to leo?, IAC-08, paper and presentation, Glasgow, Oct 2008.

Knapman, John, “Improving Stability of the Space Cable”, IAC-08, paper and presentation, Glasgow, Oct 2008.

Penny, Robert, “Space Debris & Space Elevator”, IAC-08, paper and presentation, Glasgow, Oct 2008.

Rugescu, Radu, “Soft Landing Dynamics Study with Extension to Elevator Anchoring”, IAC-08, paper and presentation, Glasgow, Oct 2008.

Swan, Peter, “What if? Space Solar Power was Enabled by Space Elevators”, IAC-08, paper and presentation, Glasgow, Oct 2008.

Woo, Pamela, “Dynamics of a Partial Elevator with Multiple Climbers”, IAC-08, paper and presentation, Glasgow, Oct 2008.


Bou, Elisenda, “Laser and the Space Elevator: an Approach”, IAC-07, paper and presentation, Naples, Oct 2007.

Cohen, Stephen, “Effects of Climber Transit on the Space Elevator Dynamics”, IAC-07, paper and presentation, Naples, Oct 2007.

Evensberget, Dag, “Mechanics of the Space Elevator Including Deployment and Failure Modes”, IAC-07, paper and presentation, Naples, Oct 2007.

Rugescu, Radu, “An Inverse Dynamics Method for Soft Landing and Anchoring Planning”, IAC-07, paper and presentation, Naples, Oct 2007.

Swan, Peter, Role of a Space Elevator Systems Architect, IAC-07, paper and presentation, Naples, Oct 2007.

Williams, Paul, “Dynamic Multibody Modeling for Tethered Space Elevators”, IAC-07, paper and presentation, Naples, Oct 2007.


Benaroya, Haym, “Space Elevator Cable Dynamics”, IAC-06, paper and presentation, Valencia, Oct 2006.

Boada, Ivan, Our Answer to NASA's Beam Power Challenge, IAC-06, paper and presentation, Valencia, Oct 2006.

Jorgensen, Anders, “Dynamics of the proposed space elevator under the influence of magnetospheric electric and magnetic fields”, IAC-06, paper and presentation, Valencia, Oct (2006).

Jorgensen, Anders, “Active radiation shielding for the proposed space elevator using magnetic coils”, IAC-06, paper and presentation, Valencia, Oct 2006.

Pearson, J. “The Real History of the Space Elevator,” paper IAC-06-D4.3.01, 57th International Astronautical Congress, Valencia, Spain, 2-6 October 2006.

Perek, Lubos, “Space Elevator: Stability”, IAC-06, paper and presentation, Valencia, Oct 2006.

Rugescu, Radu, “Debris Hazards Mitigation and Retrieval for Space Elevators”, IAC-06, paper and presentation, Valencia, Oct 2006.

Rugescu, Radu, “Loads during Anchoring Dynamics from Earth Orbit”, IAC-06, paper and presentation, Valencia, Oct 2006.

Smitherman, David, Earth-Based Space Elevator Research and Technology Development, IAC-06, paper and presentation, Valencia, Oct 2006.

Swan, Peter, Space Elevator Vision - An Enabler, IAC-06, paper and presentation, Valencia, Oct 2006.

Troger, Hans, “On the Stability of the Track of the Space Elevator, IAC-06, paper and presentation”, Valencia, Oct 2006.


Edwards, Bradley, Private Investment and Space Elevator Development Activities, IAC-05, paper and presentation, Fukuoka, Oct 2005.

Edwards, Bradley, “Results from the First Annual Space Elevator Climber Competition”, IAC-05, paper and presentation, Fukuoka, Oct 2005.

Jorgensen, Anders, “Space Elevator Interaction with the Space Environment: Numerical Simulations”, IAC-05, paper and presentation, Fukuoka, Oct 2005.

Laubscher, Bryan, The Space Elevator and Planetary Defense, IAC-05, paper and presentation, Fukuoka, Oct 2005.

McInnes, Colin, “Novel Payload Dynamics on Space Elevator Systems”, IAC-05, paper and presentation, Fukuoka, Oct 2005.

Nelson, Paul, Releasing Earth Space Elevator Climbers into Geostationary Orbit, IAC-05, paper and presentation, Fukuoka, Oct 2005.

Patamia, Steven, “Analytic Model of Dynamic Response of Proposed Space Elevator to Anchor Point Repositioning”, IAC-05, paper and presentation, Fukuoka, Oct 2005.

Pullum, Laura, “Systems Engineering for the Space Elevator – Complexity”, IAC-05, paper and presentation, Fukuoka, Oct 2005.

Raitt, David, The Space Elevator: Historical and Future Perspectives, IAC-05, paper and presentation, Fukuoka, Oct 2005.

Raitt, D. (2005), “The Space Elevator: its Place in History, Literature and the Arts. In: Proceedings of 56th International Astronautics Congress, 17-21 October 2005, Fukuoka, Japan. IAC, 2005. IAC-05-D4.3.02

Smitherman, David, Critical Technologies for the Development of Future Space Elevator Systems, IAC-05, paper and presentation, Fukuoka, Oct 2005.

Swan, Peter, WHY - The Motivation for a Space Elevator, IAC-05, paper and presentation, Fukuoka, Oct 2005.


Edwards, Bradley, The Space Elevator and NASA’s New Space Initiative, IAC-04, paper and presentation, Vancouver, Oct 2004.

Edwards, Bradley, The Space Elevator Program at ISR, IAC-04, paper and presentation, Vancouver, Oct 2004.

Bumgardner, Marvin, Optimization of Low-Thrust Orbit Transfer During Initial Ribbon Deployment for the Space Elevator, IAC-04, paper and presentation, Vancouver, Oct 2004.

Lansdorp, Bas, “Design of High-Tension Elastically Deforming Space Tether Deployer”, IAC-04, paper and presentation, Vancouver, Oct 2004.

Pearson, Jerome, “The Lunar Space Elevator”, IAC-04, paper and presentation, Vancouver, Oct 2004.

Pullum, Laura, Space Elevator’s Architectural View – 1, IAC-04, paper and presentation, Vancouver, Oct 2004.

Raitt, D. and Edwards, B. (2004), “The Space Elevator: Economics and Applications.” In: Proceedings of 55th IAC, 4-8 October 2004, Vancouver, Canada. IAC, 2004. IAC-04-IAA.3.8.3

Smitherman, David, “Technology Development and Demonstration Concepts for the Space Elevator”, IAC-04, paper and presentation, Vancouver, Oct 2004.

Swan, Peter, Safe Space Elevator – An Expectation to be Met Through a System Architecture Approach, IAC-04, paper and presentation, Vancouver, Oct 2004.

Swan, Peter, “Space Elevator Base Leg Architecture”, IAC-04, paper and presentation, Vancouver, Oct 2004.

Verge, Munir, International Cooperation and the Space Elevator, IAC-04, paper and presentation, Vancouver, Oct 2004.

West, Icole, “Small Scale SE Ribbon Dynamics: Finite Element Analyses of Regional Phenomena”, IAC-04, paper and presentation, Vancouver, Oct 2004.


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