Space Elevator Architecture Notes
Peter Swan, Ph.D., FAIAA, FBIS, MIAA is the ISEC Chief Architect, charged to design and help execute the strategic vision and plan ISEC’s direction. He will start with Note #50.
Architecture Note #67 - The Starting Line - Space Elevators are permanent space transportation infrastructures
Architecture Note #66 - Elevate - 2025
Architecture Note #65 - Remarkable Apex Anchor
Architecture Note #64 - Graphene Super Laminate is the Tether Material of Choice!
Architecture Note #63 - Quick Summary of Modern-Day Space Elevators' Progress Through the Eyes of Chief Architect
Architecture Note #62 - Green Road to Space is the Essence of Developing Sustainable Space Operations
Architecture Note #61 - Summary of Modern-Day Space Elevator Benefits
Architecture Note #60 - Unmatched Logistics Delivery Efficiency
Architecture Note #59 - Lowest and Competitive Costs
Architecture Note #58 - Extremely Rapid Solar System Destinations
Architecture Note #57 - Daily Launches to CISLunar and Mars
Architecture Note #56 - Assembly above the Gravity Well
Architecture Note #55 - Massive Tonnage to GEO and Beyond
Architecture Note #54 - Routine, Simple and Safe to GEO and Beyond
Architecture Note #53 - Environmentally Neutral
Architecture Note #52 - Definition of Modern-Day Space Elevator
Architecture Note #51 - Why We Must Develop Space Elevators
Architecture Note #50 - New Role of Chief Architect 2024
Michael “Fitzer” Fitzgerald, Lt.Col. (USAF ret), was the ISEC Chief Architect, charged with considering the trajectory, shape and scope of space elevator development and operations, until he passed away in March 2024. His thoughts and opinions on these subjects are posted here.
Architecture Note #41 - The Future Space Architecture: Places to Go
Architecture Note #40 - The Space Elevator Transportation System Enables Many Space-Based Missions
Architecture Note #39 was not completed
Architecture Note #38 - The Galactic Harbour: Are We There, Yet?
Architecture Note #37 - The Galactic Harbour: An Architecture Ready for Development
Architecture Note #36 - Enterprise Region considerations within the Galactic Harbour Architecture: The GEO Enterprise Region (third of three)
Architecture Note #35 - Enterprise Region considerations within the Galactic Harbour Architecture: The Apex Enterprise Region (second of three)
Architecture Note #34 - Architecture Engineering an Enterprise Zone
Architecture Note #33 - Architecture Engineering at the Interface
Note #30
The space elevator transportation system will find its place in the midst of many people, many things and many places in space.
Note #26
Road Signs in Outer Space
Note #25
Debris mitigation roles, including debris alert, debris sizing, tether movement, sentry system and system recovery, are discussed.
Note #21
The space elevator transportation system is the main channel in the Galactic Harbour.
Note #20
Space elevator transportation system management will have to deal with many changes along the way.
Note #16
The preliminary Technology and Engineering Readiness Assessment of the space elevator transportation system is presented.
Note #14
The Galactic Harbour Space Elevator Transportation System versus the Space Elevator Enterprise System is delineated.
Note #9
Our strategy is to link the Space Elevator Transportation System to the Space Elevator Enterprise System within a unifying vision, the Galactic Harbour.
Note #6
The heart of our technology maturation and engineering validation process is “Sequences.” This is the first of a three-part series.
Note #5
The space elevator will enable and be part of the Galactic Harbour. This is a systems engineer’s description of that vision.
Note # 4
A baseline is essential for space elevator development and planning. The baseline is expected to evolve as understanding improves.
Note #3
A business capture plan is needed, as well as a working group that engages with on-orbit business activities.
Note # 2
When it achieves IOC (Initial Operating Capability), the space elevator transportation system will encounter robust and diverse on-orbit business activity.
Note #1
The space elevator enterprise will be based on modular construction, modular growth and a modular operating standard.