Space Elevators: Architecture
Architecture Notes: The ISEC Chief Architect is charged with considering the trajectory, shape and scope of space elevator development and operations. The Chief Architect’s thoughts and opinions on these subjects are discussed in Architecture Notes.
Aleksandrov, Oleg, “Version of the Space Elevator”, International Astronautical Conference-14, paper and presentation, Toronto, Oct 2014.
Artsutanov, Y. (1960), "Into the Cosmos by Electric Rocket," Komsomolskaya Pravda, 31 July 1960. (Contents described in English, Lvov in Science, 158, 946-947, 1967.)
Artsutanov, Y., "Into the Cosmos by Electric Rocket," Komsomolskaya Pravda, 31 July 1960. (The contents are translated by Lvov in Science, 158, 946-947, 1967.)
Artsutanov, Y., "Into the Cosmos without Rockets," Znanije-Sila 7, 25, 1969.
Artsutanov, Y., "Railway ‘Moon-Earth’," Technika Molodishi, No. 4, p. 21, 1979.
Cavallini, Anders, MEO Tethered Space Elevator System Architecture Feasibility Study, IAC-17, paper and presentation, Adelaide, Australia, Sept 2017.
Eddy, Jerry K and Peter Swan, “Space Elevators the Green Road to Space,” IAC-21, 72nd International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, UAE, October 2021
Eddy, Jerry, “Reversing Global Warming Made Possible by Space Elevators,” National Space Society Conference, Permanent Infrastructure – Space Elevators as a Transformational Capability Track, Washington DC, Apr 1, 2022
Eddy, Jerry, “Dual Space Access: An Evolutionary Step Towards Humankind’s Movement Off-planet,” 20th IAA Symposium on Visions and Strategies for the Future, IAC-2022, Paris France.
Edwards, Bradley and Eric Westling, Space Elevator – A Revolutionary Earth-to-Space Transportation System, BC Edwards publishing, 2002.
Edwards, Bradley, The Space Elevator, NIAC Phase I Study Report, 2000.
Edwards, B. The Space Elevator, NIAC Phase II Final Report, 2003.
Fitzgerald, M, R. Penny, P. Swan, C. Swan, Space Elevator Architectures and Roadmaps, ISEC Study Report,, 2015
Fitzgerald, Michael, “Galactic Harbour, a Strategic Vision Emerges,” Presentation at the National Space Society Conference, St. Louis, May 2017.
Fitzgerald, Michael, “Space Elevator Sequences and Initial Operational Capability,” Paper given at 2016 ISEC Space Elevator Conference, Seattle, 19-21 August 2016.
Fitzgerald, Michael, “Strategic Approach to the Space Elevator,” presented at 2017 ISEC Conference, Seattle, 25-27 Aug 2017.
Fitzgerald, Michael, “Review of Architectural Notes,” presented at 2017 ISEC Conference, Seattle, 25-27 Aug 2017.
Fitzgerald, Michael, “Space Elevator Delineation,” presented at 2017 ISEC Conference, Seattle, 25-27 Aug 2017.
Fitzgerald, Michael, Preliminary Technology Readiness Assessment of the Space Elevator Transportation System. International Space Elevator Conference, paper and presentation, Seattle, Aug 2018.
Fitzgerald, Michael, Final Summary and Brief on Preliminary Technology Readiness Assessment of the Space Elevator Transportation, System, International Space Elevator Conference, paper and presentation, Seattle, Aug 2018.
Fitzgerald, Michael, Space Elevator Pathway to Technology Maturity … and Beyond, From Fountains to Tech Ready. presented at 2019 International Space Elevator Conference, Seattle, 16-18 Aug 2019.
Fitzgerald, Michael, Pathway to Technological Maturity and Beyond. Presented at NSS International Space Development Conference, Washington, D.C. June 7-9 June, 2019.
Fitzgerald, Michael, Technical Maturity and Development Readiness of the Galactic Harbour, IAC-19, paper and presentation, Washington D.C., Oct 2019
Fitzgerald, Michael, Pathway Chronicles – Some Anecdotes, Architecture Notes as a Diary. presented at 2019 International Space Elevator Conference, Seattle, 16-18 Aug 2019.
Fitzgerald, Micahel, "Architectural Engineering for the Space Elevator," ISEC Webinar, August 28, 2020.
Fitzgerald, Michael, Peter Swan - “Space Solar Power Enabled by Dual Space Access Architecture,” New Space Journal, Vol 9, No 3, pg 151-155.
Fitzgerald, Michael and Peter Swan, “SPACE ELEVATORS ENTERING ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT – NOW,” IAC-21, 72nd International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, UAE, October 2021
Fitzgerald, Michael and Peter Swan, “Space Solar Power Enabled by Dual Space Access Architecture,” Vol. 9, No 3, 2021, pg 1561-155.
Fitzerald, Michael, “Space Solar Power Enabled by Dual Space Access Architecture,” New Space Journal 9, (3), pp. 151-155 (Sept. 2021).
Gardner, J. (2003), “Where on Earth? Choosing an Anchor Point,” 2nd Annual International Space Elevator Conference, Sante Fe, NM. Oct 2003
Gassend, B. (2004), “Non-Equatorial Uniform-Stress Space Elevator,” 3rd Annual International Space Elevator Conference, Washington DC, 20 June 2004.
Gassend, B. (2004), “Exponential tethers for accelerated space elevator deployment”. In Proc. of 3rd International Space Elevator Conference, June 2004.
Isaacs, John, Allyn Vine, Hugh Bradner, George Bachus, "Satellite Elongation into a True "Sky-Hook," Science, Vol 151, Issue 3711, pg 682-683, 11 Feb 1966
Ishikawa, Yoji, The Space Elevator Construction Concept, Obayashi Corporation, 2013, IAC-13-D4.3.6.
Ishikawa Yoji, Obayashi Corporation’s Space Elevator Construction Concept, Journal of British Interplanetary Society, Vol 69, No 06/07, Dec 2016.
JSTM (2010), “Strategic Technology Road Map 2010”, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan. Available
Knapman, John, P. Glaskowsky, D. Gleeson, V. Hall, D.H. Wright, M. Fitzgerald, P. Swan, Design Considerations for the Multi-Stage Space Elevator, ISEC Study Report,, 2018.
FILL THIS IN at: (In Japanese only)
Laine, M. (2006), “LiftPort Group Space Elevator Road Map.” LiftPort, 2006
Lang, D. D., “Space elevator initial construction mission overview”, URL: (cited 1 Feb. 2010)
Laubscher, Bryan, Space Elevator Systems Overview, International Space Elevator Conference, paper and presentation, Seattle, Aug 2018.
Merrow, E. (2011), “Industrial Megaprojects, Concepts, Strategies, and Practices for Success”. John Wiley & Sons, 2011
METI. (2010). “Strategic Technology Roadmap”. Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry of Japan, 2010. Available (in Japanese only) at:
METI. (2010) “Technology Strategy Map”, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, 2010. Available at:
Nogawa, Yuichiro, Space Elevator Concept Comparison Summary, IAC-14, paper and presentation, Toronto, Oct 2014.
Pasko, Vadym, Space Elevator. Alternative Design Solutions., IAC-15, paper and presentation, Jerusalem, Oct 2015.
Pearson, Jerome, "The Orbital Tower: a Spacecraft Launcher using the Earth's rotational energy," Acta Astronautica, Vol 2, pp 785-799, Jan. 1975.
Pearson, Jerome, "Using the Orbital Tower to Launch Earth-Escape Spacecraft Daily," IAF-76, October 1976.
Pearson, J., E. Levin, J. Oldson, and H. Wykes, Lunar Space Elevators for CISLUNAR Space Development, NIAC Phase I Final Technical Report, 2 May 2005.
Penoyre, Zephyr. Emily Sandford, "The Spaceline: a practical space elevator alternative achievable with current technology," Draft submitted to Acta Astronautica on 25 Aug 2019.
Popescu, Dan, Sean X. Sun, "Building the space elevator: lessons from biological design," Journal of the Royal Society Interface, v15, issue 147, Oct 2018.
Pullum, Laura, Space Elevator’s Architectural View – 1, IAC-04, paper and presentation, Vancouver, Oct 2004
Ragan, P. and B. Edwards, Leaving the Planet by Space Elevator,, 2006.
Raitt, David (2021). Space Elevator Architectures. Quest: The History of Spaceflight, v38, n1, 2021, pp17-26
Shelef, B., “The Space Elevator Feasibility Condition”, Climb Journal, Volume 1, Number 1, p. 87. And in - Spaceward Foundation, 2008. Available at:
Shelef, B., “Segment Based Ribbon Architecture”., In Proc. of 3rd International Space Elevator Conference, June 2004.
Shelef, B., “A Solar-Based Space Elevator Architecture,” Spaceward Foundation, 2008.
Squibb, Gael, Daryl Boden, and Wiley Larson, Cost Effective Space Mission Operations, McGraw Hill, 1996.
Swan, P., Raitt, Swan, Penny, Knapman. International Academy of Astronautics Study Report, Space Elevators: An Assessment of the Technological Feasibility and the Way Forward, Virginia Edition Publishing Company, 2013.
Swan, Peter, Safe Space Elevator – An Expectation to be Met Through a System Architecture Approach, IAC-04, paper and presentation, Vancouver, Oct 2004.
Swan, Peter, Space Elevator Vision - An Enabler, IAC-06, paper and presentation, Valencia, Oct 2006
Swan, Peter and Cathy Swan, Space Elevator Systems Architecture, publishers, 2007.
Swan, Peter, “Space Elevator 101, Status and Architectures,” Presentation at the National Space Society Conference, St. Louis, May 2017.
Swan, Peter, Role of a Space Elevator Systems Architect, IAC-07, paper and presentation, Naples, Oct 2007.
Swan, P., Space Elevator Current and Future Thrusts, Journal of British Interplanetary Society, Vol 69, No 06/07, Dec 2016.
Swan, Peter, Michael Fitzgerald, “How the Space Elevator Grew into a Galactic Harbour,” IAC-17, paper and presentation, Adelaide, Australia, Sept 2017.
Swan, Peter Michael Fitzgerald, Galactic Harbour Duality – Enterprise and Infrastructure, IAC-18, paper and presentation, Bremen, Oct 2018.
Swan, Peter, Apex Anchor Fast Transit to Mars. presented at 2019 International Space Elevator Conference, Seattle, 16-18 Aug 2019.
Swan, P., David Raitt, John Knapman, Akira Tsuchida, Michael Fitzgerald, Yoji Ishikawa, Road to the Space Elevator Era, Virginia Edition Publishing Company, Science Deck (2019) ISBN-19: 978-0-9913370-3-3
Swan, Peter, Fitzgerald, M, Swan, C, Peet, M., "Fast Transit to Interplanetary Destinations," 2020 International Astronautical Congress - CyberSpace Edition
Swan, P, Swan C, Fitzgerald, M., Peet, M, Torla, J, Hall, V., "Space Elevators are the Transportation Story of the 21st Century," ISEC Study Report,, 2020.
Swan, Peter, Cathy Swan, "Dual Space Access Architecture: Leveraging Rockets & Space Elevators," Article on, Sept 26, 2020.
Swan, Peter, Cathy Swan, "Space Elevator defeats the Rocket Equation!" Article on, June 7, 2020.
Swan, P., Cathy Swan, "Appropriate Space Access Architecture for Mars," World Space Week Activity, ISEC Webinar, October 10, 2020.
Swan, Pete and Cathy Swan, "Which Floor, GEO, Moon, or Mars? A New Architecture for Space Elevators,” Ad Astra, Spring 2021, Vol 33, Issue 1, pg 84-88,
Swan, Peter, Michael Fitzgerald, Cathy Swan, Vern Hall, “Visions of Many Demand Space Elevators Start Now,” IAC-21, 72nd International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, UAE, October 2021
Swan, Peter, David Dotson, Jerry Eddy, John Knapman, Paul Phister, “Space Solar Power Enabled by a Green Road to Space,” Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Vol 74, No 12, Dec 2021, pg 454-458.
Swan, Peter, “Dual Space Access Strategy Minimizes the Rocket Equation,” The Civilian Space Development, Space Renaissance International 3rd World Congress 2021, edited by Adriano V. Autino, pp. 249-257 (Fall 2021).
Swan, Peter, “Modern Day Space Elevator Transforming Space Access,” National Space Society Conference, Permanent Infrastructure – Space Elevators as a Transformational Capability Track, Washington DC, Apr 1, 2022
Swan, Peter, “Space Elevators as a Transformational Leap for Human Movement off-planet,” 20th IAA Symposium on Visions and Strategies for the Future, IAC-2022, Paris France.
Torla, James and Matthew Peet, Space Elevator Support for Interplanetary Flight. Presented at NSS International Space Development Conference, Washington, D.C. June 7-9 June, 2019.
TSM (2010), “Technological Strategy Zmap 2010 – Energy”, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Available at:
Tsuchida, Akira, “A Space Elevator Roadmap 2010,” 2010 IAC, Prague, Oct 2010.
Tsuchida, Akira, Space Elevator Road Map 2011, IAC-11, paper and presentation, Cape Town, Oct 2011.
Tsuchida, Akira, Space Elevator Roadmap 2012, IAC-12, paper and presentation, Naples, Oct 2011.
Tsuchida, Akira, Japanese Space Train concept, 2009 IAC, paper and presentation, Daejeon, Oct 2009.
Tsuchida, Akira, et al. (2011), “Space Elevator Road Map 2011”, 62nd International Astronautical Congress, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa, 2011
Tsuchida A. et al (2009), “New Space Transportation System-Space Train (Elevator) : World trends and Japanese Space Train Concept”,
Tsuchida A. et al, “New Space Transportation System-Space Train (Elevator) : World trends and Japanese Space Train Concept”, Technical report of IEICE. SANE 109(101), 93-98, 2009-06-18.
Technical report of IEICE. SANE 109(101), 93-98, 2009-06-18
USAF (2012), “Energy Horizons”, United States Air Force, Energy S&T Vision 2011-2026, AF/ST TR 11-01 31 January 2012, Pgs. 21-24.
Welch, J. (2012),, June 2012.
Wright, D.H., S. Avery, J. Knapman, M. Lades, P. Roubekas and P. Swan, “Considerations for a Software Space Elevator Simulator, ISEC Study Report,, 2017.