Space Elevator Books

Space Elevators: An Assessment of the Technological Feasibility and the Way Forward, International Academy of Astronautics, 2013. Editors: Peter A. Swan, David I. Raitt, Cathy W. Swan, Robert E. Penny, and John M. Knapman. 350 pages. A study done for the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) with 41 study contributors. Final assessment:

1. A Space Elevator appears feasible, with the realization that risks must be mitigated through technological progress.
2. A Space Elevator infrastructure will be achievable through a major global enterprise.

Obtain from: IAA - Heinlein Trust - Amazon - Bookfinder

Road to the Space Elevator Era, International Academy of Astronautics, 2019. Editors: Peter A. Swan, David I. Raitt, John M. Knapman, Akira Tsuchida, Michael A. Fitzgerald, Yoji Ishikawa. 192 pages. A study done for the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) with 44 study contributors. Final assessment:

1. Space Elevators seem feasible (reinforces IAA's 2013 study conclusion).
2. Space Elevator development initiation is nearer than most think!

Obtain from: IAA - Heinlein Trust

Space Elevator Systems Architecture book

Space Elevator Systems Architecture, by Peter A. Swan and Cathy W. Swan, 2007. 244 pages. An initial top-level view of a Space Elevator concept through space systems architecture and space systems engineering. A first step in an aggressive development program to build a Space Elevator.

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