International Space Elevator Consortium
August 2023 Newsletter
In this Issue:
Editor’s Note
Space Elevator Conference Update
President’s Corner
Graphene Enhanced Building Materials
ISEC on Social Media
Radiators in Space
Tether Materials
Winners of the Academic Challenge
Upcoming Events
Contact Us/Support Us
Editor's Note
Dear Fellow Space Elevator Enthusiast,
The Space Elevator Conference is coming up in less than a week! I'm all packed and excited to meet my fellow attendees. If you're going to be in the Chicago area next weekend, there's still time to register. Just scroll down to the final announcement in the next article.
Recently, representatives from NASA were in Seattle for the 12th Annual International Space Station Research and Development Conference. While they were there, they brought a Moon rock to the Pacific Science Center. I had the amazing opportunity to see and touch a piece of basaltic regolith from the Moon! I asked our Media-Meister to post a photo of it on one of our sites. You might wonder how this relates to the Space Elevator, but Adrian's article about Graphene-enhanced building materials in the fifth article will provide the answer.
When a newsletter has errors, it is traditional that an errata is published in the following publication to share what was wrong and provide the correct information. There were SO MANY errors and omissions in the July article “Winners of the International Space Elevator Consortium’s Academic Challenge Announced” that it has been re-published in this issue. I even forgot to add it to the contents at the top of the previous newsletter!
Sandee Schaeffer
Newsletter Editor
Space Elevator Conference Update
Registration is Still Open
for the Annual ISEC Conference!!
The conference is being held at the Aon building in downtown Chicago Saturday, August 12th, and Sunday, August 13th, 2023.
Join us to listen to the top voices in the Space Elevator community. Some topics include the Dual Space Access Architecture and the Apex Anchor. We are excited to have a number of other presentations on various topics related to the Space Elevator.
Please register at Once registration is complete, you will receive a payment link for the conference.
Many of the attendees are staying at the Fairmont Millenium Park. There is a direct pedway from Millenium Park to the Aon Building, which you can use to access the conference.
If you would like to join the conversation and share your perspectives, please complete the call for proposals, as we have recently added a section for 15-minute mini-presentations, and we would very much like to hear your thoughts!
If you have any questions about the conference, please contact Conference Co-Chair Karyn Gleeson at
What to expect while you are there:
+ Continental breakfast on both days
+ Lunch on both days
+ Engaging presentations about Space Elevators
+ The opportunity to give input during mini-sessions
+ Physical copies of the latest publications.
And for the very first time, attendees will receive a SWAG bag with unique souvenirs (including the refrigerator magnet featured in the fifth article, below) of their visit to the SEC this year!
President's Corner
by Pete Swan
Improving Humanity
by Beating the Rocket Equation
I sit in my den on my computer and look outside to see a world in a climate crisis. One hundred and nineteen degrees (F) is remarkable—even for Phoenix. Whatever you think about the science, this was the hottest month on record, and it looks like it will be continuing. How do we approach such a crisis? As a rocket scientist of 54 years, I think, “How can space applications help?” The obvious approach is the ability to observe and record the temperatures and associated conditions on the ground from space. A natural yes! We can help people understand the growing crisis. But what about aggressively helping to fix the global issues facing us? It is obvious to me that providing clean electricity to help alleviate the energy crisis [population growth = more demand for electricity, as well as remarkable growth in our industry across the globe] could be an opportunity for space geeks to help Earth’s crisis with clean electricity from space! In addition, population growth leads to more demand for communications, weather reporting, and GPS. Plus, there is an off-planet movement to the Moon and Mars in the upcoming decades. To support this marvelous growth in space activity, there will always be rocket launches. Each of these impact the atmosphere significantly by combustion at high altitudes and leaving debris in Low Earth Orbit.
To help understand how we can leverage space elevators, ISEC has produced two study reports (2 years in development with several authors each) on critical topics related to the issues. “Space Elevators are the Green Road to Space” is a remarkable look at the rocket industry and explains how their launches of the future will be detrimental to our global situation. This report has many insights into the future, one of which will be impactful in the near future. SpaceX wants to accomplish 1,000 launches a year (three per day) to move people and logistics to Mars. If they do that, who else will launch another 1,000 launches to match those? This is an order-of-magnitude increase in launches (from approximately 100 in 2018 to 1,000 in 2028). We’ve seen damage to our atmosphere when rockets burn in the upper regions. This is acceptable only because we have no other means to achieve orbit. Universities around the world are now trying to understand the impact of increasing by an order of magnitude. Our Green Road to Space report shows how space elevators will significantly reduce the number of rocket launches leading to a healthier atmosphere.
Our second report, “Leveraging a Dual Space Access Architecture,” [to be published in Sept 2023] has similar conclusions with recommendations that space elevators work with advanced rockets cooperatively and competitively. Once space elevators reach 30,000 tonnes per year to GEO and beyond, we will be “outpacing” the rocket industry by moving the “heavy stuff.” The concept is elegant—we move the heavy stuff on a green road to space while rockets rapidly move people through the radiation belts and support Low Earth Orbit missions. As the three Galactic Harbours (with two tethers per harbour located around the equator) mature, the numbers become serious in the out-years. When fully operational, the numbers reach 170,000 tonnes per year. These numbers can satisfy Space X’s demand for 1,000,000 tonnes to Mars and the arena of Space Solar Power of 3,000,000 tonnes to GEO. These enormous customer demands lead to a path along the green road to space and delivery on time. The concept is simple; it is called Dual Space Access Architecture, with rockets doing what they do well and space elevators becoming the logistics arm of any activity delivering mass to destinations within the solar system and beyond.
By reducing the number of rocket launches, and fulfilling the needs of space missions, Beating the Rocket Equation is truly leading to a better tomorrow!
Graphene-Enhanced Sustainable Ceramic Tiles and Concrete That Could be Used to Make Homes on the Moon and Mars
by Adrian Nixon
Delegates at the 2023 ISEC annual conference in Chicago will see a blue fridge magnet in their SWAG bags. This everyday item is a new material made using graphene. It was manufactured by DeakinBio, an advanced materials start-up based at the Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre (GEIC) at the University of Manchester campus, UK.
The fridge magnet is a sample of a new type of ceramic tile. It was made from crushed seashells and bound with a biopolymer extracted from blue algae. Using graphene powder in the binder gives it the strength of a normal ceramic tile, but it does not need the high-temperature kiln firing normally used in tile manufacturing.
This means the tiles can be manufactured with lower energy and use sustainably sourced materials to create a product that has the strength of normal tiles. It also means that these tiles can be created from the calcium carbonate by-product from carbon capture processes.
We met the CEO of the company at the GEIC recently. Read on to find out more about his work…
Dr. Aled Deakin Roberts is Research Fellow at The Future Biomanufacturing Research Hub, Manchester, UK. He also is the Founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Deakin Bio Hybrid Materials.
We met in the boardroom at the Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre (GEIC) on the University of Manchester campus in the UK.
Aled Deakin Roberts and Adrian Nixon at the GEIC
Tell me about your background…
I trained as a chemist and did my first degree at the University of Liverpool. Then studied for my Ph.D. at Liverpool and spent two years at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE) in Singapore. After my degree, I decided to pivot away from electrochemistry (it just didn’t suit my brain), and, by chance, I got back into the interface between biotechnology and materials science at the University of Manchester, making synthetic spider silk fibres.
I found this interesting, and from spider silk fibres, I went on to spider silk adhesives and glues. From there, we went on to make glues to stick together materials to form composites. This started a pattern that led me to where I am today.
As well as your research, you have set up a company working on natural materials; what is it you are doing now?
We are working on forming biopolymer-inorganic biocomposite materials. We’ve looked at things like bio-concrete, but the initial application we are focusing on is tiles. The reason is that structural materials such as concrete are highly regulated, and the regulations for surface coverings are much less stringent, so we can get to market faster.
So, we have been developing green alternatives to ceramic wall tiles and trying to get them up to regulatory standards. This is where graphene comes into play because by adding graphene to our formulation, we can improve the physical properties of the tiles in two ways:
i. Graphene can improve the flexural strength of the tiles, a measure of how much bending force the time can withstand. This works because when cracks start to appear, they are arrested by the graphene nanoplates in the tile. This means more force is required to snap a graphene-enhanced tile. This means they are less likely to break or shatter when dropped or hit with something when part of a floor or wall.
ii. Graphene improves the hydrophobicity of the tiles, making them water-repellent. This is important because the bio-based materials we use to bind together the inorganic filler in the tile are hydrophilic and will be wetted with water. You can imagine waterproof tiles in your kitchen or bathroom will get wet and being water-repellent is an important feature.
So, you are working on sustainable building materials, and you have brought some samples of your work with you.
Deakin Biohybrid ceramic tiles made with graphene-enhanced biopolymers. Note: no firing kiln is needed to make these tiles.
Our materials avoid the energy-intensive firing kiln. The blue tile in the picture and the blue fridge magnet are made from calcium carbonate, which you can get from crushed seashells or from captured carbon dioxide as carbonate minerals. This is the inorganic component that is over 95% of the mass. The biopolymer, in this instance (the thing that is gluing everything together), is obtained from algae which is where the vivid blue colour comes from. We can also get other bright colours from more exotic algae, such as greens and gold.
Is the colour stable?
If the tiles are exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light, we have noticed some degradation. The tiles are surprisingly stable. We have had this blue sample for a few weeks now, and there is no obvious photobleaching. We are also looking at graphene coatings to prolong the colour.
So, the graphene acts as a sunscreen?
You are working on more exotic materials as well?
Yes, we are interested in space construction. In a few years’ time, we will be sending astronauts back to the Moon to establish a sustained presence. The Earth has an atmosphere and magnetic field that protect us from harmful radiation. The Moon has neither. So, one of the big challenges is to build structures that offer this protection. We will need substantial amounts of materials to make these structures. The proposed methods require large amounts of energy, materials, and construction equipment.
We have come up with a biopolymer solution that can be used to stick together Moon dust and Mars dust (regolith) to create these construction materials on site. To demonstrate the proof of concept, we had a kind of jokey paper published where we suggested we could use a protein from human blood as the binder. We have a more serious paper coming out where we show that starch from plants such as potatoes and rice can be used as a binder. We know that these plants will have to be grown on the Moon and Mars to feed the inhabitants, so this will be a local resource.
Some of this starch could be used as a binder to make concrete-like materials. Our work has shown we can create a material with a compressive strength of over 90 MPa, which is at the top end of high-strength concrete. We feel NASA could spearhead this technology for space applications, and it would have trickle-down applications back here on Earth.
Speaking of trickle-down applications, you can also use human waste products to make binders.
That is correct! As we were playing around with human blood, we also looked at what other bodily fluids might be used. We found that a compound in human urine called urea can be added to make regolith concrete three times stronger. We didn’t think it would work because urea can help denature (unfold) proteins making them less effective as binders. To our surprise, we found that urea made proteins more effective as binders. What we think is going on is that urea can form a lot of hydrogen bonds with proteins and inorganics, and these bonds crosslink and increase the amount of bonding in the matrix, making the concrete stronger.
On the Moon and Mars, there is little water, so the hydrogen bonds will remain strong.
Yes precisely. One of the issues of this starch-concrete (we call it Starcrete) is the hydrogen bonds are labile (reversible), and this is a challenge applying Starcrete on Earth. But because it never rains on the Moon or Mars, this won’t be a problem for space applications.
Starcrete made from graphene-enhanced Martian regolith
You have recently won a high-profile award for this work…
Yes, we won the Eli and Britt Harari Award for graphene enterprise [1]. This is very exciting; it is our first major injection of money. This should be entering our account soon, and we are ready to get going on the next phase of development. I’m excited to see what the future brings.
We wish you well, Aled; thank you for taking time to have a chat with us.
1. Anon, 2022. Winners announced for the 2022 Harari Graphene Enterprise Award. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 July 2023].
by our Media-Meister
Many of you will know that our primary social media account is our "Company Page" on LinkedIn, and we have just passed a significant milestone ... we now have over 1,500 followers! ISEC has operated social media since our founding in 2008, initially on Facebook, although even a few months earlier, there was a "Space Elevator Architects" group on LinkedIn.
In May 2009, we created a Twitter account, followed in 2012 by accounts on Flickr and YouTube. In 2019, LinkedIn created “Company Pages,” and we soon made use of that opportunity. That year we also created an account on Instagram.
In June 2020, we decided to focus more on the new LinkedIn “Company Page,” having seen reduced engagement on the other platforms.
Finally, early in 2023, the changes at Twitter (now 'X') appeared to result in lower engagement with our posts, so we decided to create an account on the 'Mastodon' platform ... then in July, Meta launched their 'Threads' platform, linked to Instagram, so we also moved to that.
Here's a summary of our Follower counts as of end-July-2023:
LinkedIn (ISEC “Company Page”): 1512
LinkedIn (“SE Architects” Group): 867
X (formerly Twitter): 754
Facebook: 2255
Instagram: 185
Threads: 17
Mastodon: 14
Please follow us on your favorite platform(s); we recommend LinkedIn, but it would be great if you could boost our numbers on Threads and Mastodon! Go to for more details with links to each of the above.
Whichever platform you use, it would help if you could “like” or comment on anything we post; that will influence the platform algorithm to show the post to more people. Please also frequently post about Space Elevators in your feeds, and don’t forget to tag ISEC in your messages!
Radiators in Space
by Peter Robinson
#SpaceElevator climbers will need many components, but some that are often overlooked are radiators. These are essential to reject the waste heat from motors and other systems: one concept is shown in the design by Larry Bartoszek in the recent ISEC study report
I'm working on my paper for IAC2023 on the climber requirements above GEO, and it's clear that heat rejection is even more important on the way to the Apex Anchor...the climbers would be braking for the whole journey, so generating more waste heat than below GEO.
You need to wait until later in the year to read my work, but in the meantime, here's a fun video from SpaceDock all about radiators on spacecraft (mainly in SF) describes many methods for heat rejection, some of which were new to me. Will any of these be used on Space Elevator climbers?
Why do we need radiators in space? Isn’t it as cold as it gets? Watch the video...
Editor's Note: The first minute is an ad
Tether Materials
by Adrian Nixon, Board Member, ISEC
How Ionising Radiation Affects
Graphene Super Laminate
More people are becoming interested in graphene super laminate (GSL), and this means I’m meeting people from broader backgrounds than just the space community. I was asked a question I didn’t know the answer to, so I did some research to fill the gap. This led to interesting answers.
The question was: How is GSL affected by ionising radiation, in particular, gamma radiation?
To begin with, we need to understand what is meant by the term ionising radiation.
Ionising radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is made of the same stuff as the light we see in a rainbow. We perceive different wavelengths of light as colours of the rainbow. The shorter the wavelength, the bluer the light, and the longer wavelengths we see as greens, yellows, oranges, and reds. The spectrum of light radiation extends far beyond that which our eyes can perceive. Beyond the red end of the spectrum is infrared, microwaves, and radio waves. Graphene does interact with these longer wavelengths. Figure 1 shows the range of wavelengths.
Figure 1 The electromagnetic spectrum
Graphene tends to be more reflective at the red end of the spectrum as the wavelength increases. At the blue end of the spectrum and beyond, the shorter wavelengths penetrate most materials, including graphene. As the wavelength becomes shorter, it has enough energy to remove tightly bound electrons from the orbit of an atom, breaking bonds and causing atoms to become charged or ionised. This is known as ionising radiation. The most extreme form is gamma radiation [1,2].
So, what effect does gamma radiation have on a material such as GSL?
Graphene super laminate is a material made of many layers of graphene held together by van der Waals (VdW) forces, a VdW homostructure. GSL can be dismissed as graphite, however, in graphite the graphene layers are separate stacks several hundred nanometres in size. In GSL, the graphene layers are centimetres, metres, or kilometres in size. When the individual layers of graphene are polycrystalline, we term the bulk material Graphene Laminate (GL). When the graphene layers are single crystals of graphene, we term the material Graphene Super Laminate [3]. Figure 2 shows the difference between the materials.
Figure 2. Graphite and Graphene Super Laminate
Researchers at the Hefei University of Technology in China have investigated what happens to graphite when irradiated with gamma radiation. This gives us a strong indication of how GSL will respond when subjected to the same treatment.
The team placed graphite samples in glass containers and irradiated these in an ambient atmosphere at room temperature. The gamma radiation was generated by the radioactive isotope Cobalt 60 (60Co). This generates gamma-quanta of energy at 1.17 and 1.33 MeV. The dose rate was controlled at 1.8 kGy/h by adjusting the distance between the samples and the 60Co source.
The work produced three findings of interest to us:
i. The team found that graphite irradiated with a total dose of 2 MGy had more defects than that irradiated with a total dose of 200 kGy [4]. So, very high levels of gamma radiation will damage graphite and, by implication, also damage GSL.
ii. The team also found that the lower dose of gamma radiation of 200 kGy repaired defects in damaged graphite by allowing the damaged regions to rearrange and self-organise back to graphene. This means it might be possible to repair damaged regions of GSL with controlled smaller doses of gamma radiation.
iii. The team also noted another study that gamma radiation under nitrogen, at room temperature, with a total dose of 1 MGy at a rate of 5.7 kGy/h, could produce significant damage in graphite. The radiation formed domains of hexagonal diamond (Lonsdaleite), amorphous glassy carbon, and onion-like carbon [5]. This is very interesting because “damage” in this context means forming crosslinks between the graphene layers, and this could be a new method of “spot welding” the graphene layers reducing slippage in a tether made from GSL.
This all means that we need to be mindful of very high levels of gamma radiation in the order of mega Grays (MGy), causing damage to structures made of GSL. Their short wavelength means they will penetrate the graphene layers and potentially affect the material at a range of depths.
The radiation dose in space has been measured by NASA on the Apollo Moon landing missions and found to be orders of magnitude lower than this at 164 milli Grays (mGy) per year [6]. Gamma-ray photons from deep space have high energies greater than 100 MeV, and the most energetic cosmic photons presently detected reach about 100 TeV [7]. This means that while the dosage may be low, individual photons are very energetic, and we may expect a wide range of effects on GSL in space.
We now know that lower doses of gamma radiation can cause graphene multi-layers to self-heal, and this means it might be possible to repair damaged regions of GSL with controlled doses of gamma radiation.
And finally, the very high levels of gamma radiation can cause the graphene layers to cross-link and form hexagonal diamond Lonsdaleite. This points to a novel technique to spot-weld layers of graphene in GSL.
My conclusion is that highly intense gamma radiation can destroy GSL. The overall dose of gamma radiation may be low, however, some of the gamma-ray photons are extremely energetic and may cause localised damage with a range of characteristics. The research points to an encouraging aspect: using low-intensity gamma radiation carefully can also create joins and repair GSL. This will need testing in space to be sure.
1. Xa9745669, M. and Tschurlovits (1996). IAEA-CN-67/153 i What is ‘ionizing radiation’? [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Jul. 2023].
2. Anon (2020). Radiation: Ionizing radiation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Jul. 2023].
3. Nixon. A., 2021. The graphene and graphite landscape: Indications of unexplored territory. Nixene Journal, 5(10), pp.9-20
4. Li, B., Feng, Y., Ding, K., Qian, G., Zhang, X. and Zhang, J. (2013). The effect of gamma ray irradiation on the structure of graphite and multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Carbon, 60, pp.186–192. doi:
5. Cataldo, F. (2000). A Raman study on radiation-damaged graphite by γ-rays. Carbon, 38(4), pp.634–636. doi:
6. Lloyd, C. and Reeves, K. (2008). NASA Human Research Program Engagement and Communications Radiation iBook. [online] NASA, p.6. Available at: (Average dose rate from the Apollo 16 and 17 missions 0.45mGy per day)
2023 Space Elevator Academic Challenge:
Improving Humanity’s Future
[Editor's Note: This is a reprint with corrections of and additions to the article, "Winners of the International Space Elevator Consortium’s Academic Challenge Announced" published in the July 2023 issue of the Space Elevator Newsletter.]
THE CHALLENGE: Can you contribute to the future of humanity with great ideas developed from recent discoveries? This contest was for students (guideline ages 17-25) from around the world. It focused on the strengths of the Space Elevator, the Green Road to Space. This challenge encouraged each student to expand their imagination by exploring and making a case for something that the Space Elevator can do for humanity, something that excites them. They could either enter as an individual or as a member of a team (up to four students). This year’s results are as follows:
1st Place ($2,000): Henrique Etrusco Ribeiro Moreira “Space Elevator: Applications of GEO Stations and Microgravity” (Vanier College)
Microgravity: This paper discusses the transformational properties of such a framework, including the addition of a GEO station. As a novel part of space elevator research, the benefits of such a station will be explored, and a specific focus will be given to the microgravity characteristics that can be found in such an infrastructure.
Figure 1: Henrique Moreira
2nd Place ($1,000): Ryo Kuzuno, Yukito Kodama & Yuki Furusho of Tohoku University and Shota Arai of The University of Tokyo, “High-Level Nuclear Waste Disposal System Using Space Elevator.”
HLNW: This paper examines the feasibility and effectiveness of using space elevators for transporting high-level nuclear waste (HLNW) into space. Space elevators could offer a safe and high-capacity alternative. This study evaluates the technical and economic aspects of HLW disposal in space using space elevators and concludes that it is a realistic option with an adequate disposal time frame.
Figure 2: HLNW Waste team
3rd Place ($500): Juan Koike, Nanako Doi, Shingo Toyoda, & Ryota Yoshimura, “High-degree-of-freedom Orbital Deployment of CubeSats by Space Elevators” (College of Science and Technology, Nihon University,)
CubeSats: We are doing basic research on space elevator transport units with the aim of "realization of position control for high-speed movement.” This is developing a technique to stop climbers from moving at high speed at an arbitrary position on the tether. We consider that this research could be applied to the transport of CubeSats.
Figure 3, From left to right: Shingo Toyoda, Nanako Doi, and Juan Koike
Maria Juliane de Souza Brito – 3 submissions “The
Ark,” “Impactor,” and “Mini-Man” (Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM (Federal University of Amazonas))
Figure 4: Maria Juliane de Souza Brito
The Ark: [The Ark] can soon become a reality with appropriate technology. For this reason, we believe that by utilizing the space elevator capabilities, high volumes to space at low costs, we could propose a potential system to allow the preservation of human society in case of emergencies that could produce an extinction: The Ark.
An independent space settlement spaceship to store most terrestrial plants, seeds, and animal embryos, including human, for future bringing to life event in case of need, is our proposal.
Impactor: In this proposal, we want to utilize the space elevator’s unique capabilities to assemble in orbit a heavy bullet shaped mass called Impactor to be smashed against an incoming asteroid to deflect it from its terrestrial target. Only with the space elevator and its capabilities such impactor, a superheavy and large body could be built and assembled in order to be effective against an incoming asteroid.
Min-Man: The utilization of space resources, nearly unlimited compared to those in our planet, may start an era of abundance for the human society. Recent advances in space technology with more affordable costs for entrepreneurs willing to invest in space can open up new opportunities and allow to start mining activities in space. The space elevator introduction will represent a paradigm shift and a true breakthrough in space development and will allow many activities previously unheard of.
Sidney Sheets, Aaron Mizrahi, Lacie Chickaway – Space Elevators: A Scientific Application,” (Florida Institute of Technology.)
We discuss the economy, efficiency, and reliability of a Space Elevator to support unmanned space science missions, including astronomy, planetary, and solar science.
Figure 5: Sidney Sheets (Not pictured: Aaron Mizrahi and Lacie Chickaway)
Upcoming Events
Space Elevator Conference
Sponsored by the International Space Elevator Consortium and Slalom, Inc.
Saturday, August 12th through Sunday, August 13th, 2023
Downtown Chicago, Illinois, USA
Theme: “Permanent Space Access Transportation Infrastructure”
74th International Astronautical Congress
Sponsored by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF)
Theme: “Global Challenges and Opportunities: Give Space a Chance”
Monday, October 2nd through Friday, October 6th, 2023
Baku, Azerbaijan
42nd International Space Development Conference
Sponsored by the National Space Society
Thursday, May 23rd through Sunday, May 26th, 2024
Sheraton Gateway, Los Angeles, California, USA
Theme: “No Limits”
75th International Astronautical Congress
Sponsored by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF)
Theme: “Responsible Space for Sustainability”
Monday, October 14th through Friday, October 18th, 2024
Milan, Italy
76th International Astronautical Congress
Sponsored by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF)
Monday, September 29th through Friday, October 3rd, 2025
Sydney, Australia
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