International Space Elevator Consortium
November 2016 Newsletter
In this Issue:
Editor’s Note
President’s Corner
Space Elevator Simulator
IAC in Adelaide
Space Elevator Research
Architecture Note #3
Earth Port Update #3
Internship Program
Editor’s Note
Dear Friend,
Welcome to the November 2016 Newsletter. Here you will find current technical content from our engineers and new opportunities to get involved. I am particularly excited to announce the official start of our Summer internship program. After a successful trial run with one intern in Summer 2016 we will be adding two paid interns to our staff this upcoming Summer. More specifically, these interns will be college Freshman or Sophomores in an Aerospace field. Please stay tuned to as applications will be coming online shortly!
On a more artistic note we are once again asking for graphic artists, designers, and anyone with a hand for rendering to help us accurately portray the space elevator system. With our constantly advancing understanding of the technical requirements of the system it is key to produce new, relevant images to accompany our ongoing research. Please contact if you are interested in offering your skills. This work will be shared with many, so it is a great opportunity for artists and designers looking to expand their reach.
Bringing an accessible technical perspective, Research Director John Knapman explains the basics of powering tether climbers. You will also find a thorough research contribution from Dennis Wright of the ISEC Simulation Team sharing the results of a brainstorming session from our 2016 conference. As a finally note on research this month, we have included information on the IAC 2017 conference and call for papers.
On the systems engineering side of SE design, Vern Hall presents an overview of autonomous shipping for the Earth Port and our Architecture Chair, Micheal Fitzgerald, continues his series on SE Architecture with a continuation of last month's commentary about the business side of the SE.
All ISEC reports are available FOR FREE in electronic (pdf) format at
If you want to help us make a space elevator happen, JOIN ISEC and get involved! A space elevator would truly revolutionize life on earth and open up the solar system and beyond to all of us.
Please don’t forget to LIKE US on Facebook, FOLLOW US on Twitter, and enjoy the photos and videos that we’ve posted on Flickr and YouTube, all under our Social Identity of ISECdotORG.
Thank you,
Sandy Curth
ISEC Publicity Director
President's Corner
ISEC Membership - Each Individual's Responsibility
It turns out that the interest in space elevators is "out there." Many of the people I speak to over the course of a year are very interested and wondering what happened to the concept that they heard about a few years ago. However, there has been some movement recently with questions to us from all parts of the world about "How to?" and "What is going on?" It seems as if the word is out there, but modestly diluted. It appears to me that our newsletter [becoming more robust with a new editor - thanks Sandy] and our website [now shows up on my first page when I sort for space elevators - thanks Mark] are providing insight into the questions around space elevators with coverage in many specific arenas: architectures & roadmaps, Earth Port, space debris concerns, Concept of Operations, Tether Climber designs, and status of Space Elevators as of the summer of 2016. Now the question becomes one of how do we become a more robust Consortium helping others understand the space elevator concept.
My hypothesis is:
We need more members to participate in our activities and become spokespersons for space elevators. I would like to propose two items:
Item A:
I would challenge each of us to search out and encourage membership in ISEC; either as a student, professional or corporately.
Item B:
Each of us can look at our current status and determine which level of involvement is appropriate to support the ideas of space elevators.
Student [25$], Professional [68$],
Premium - Ribbon Rider [500$], Space Elevator Builder [1,000$] and Space Elevator Architect [5,000$]
Corporate - Small [800$], Medium [2,500$], and Large [6,500$]
It should be the responsibility of interested space elevator enthusiasts to choose one category and become [or renew] their membership in this 501c3 Corporation. Membership fees keep our organization alive and ensure a viable conference each year. Our involvement in year-round activities such as academic studies, history articles, oral interviews, and research committee projects is vital for us all.
Please remember - it is your responsibility to maintain a membership and encourage your friends and associates to join.
Keep Climbing my Friends --
Pete Swan
Brainstorming a Space Elevator Simulator
During the 2016 International Space Elevator Conference, ISEC kicked off the 2017 study topic with a workshop to assess the situation of dynamics models that could represent the movement of the space elevator tether. These notes summarize the brainstorming session from that workshop, and gather the insights contributed by the attendees.
Well before a space elevator can be built, deployed and operated, all its major aspects must be simulated in software. This includes its motion, interaction with electromagnetic and radiation fields, mechanical and electrical properties, how it supports and reacts to climbers, and a host of others. A brainstorming session was held to address some of these issues and how they will be simulated. The goal of developing a software framework containing many different co-working software tools was identified.
The session concentrated on four areas: the features to be simulated, the types and properties of software packages required to do the job, how to do testing and benchmarking, and system integration and user interfaces.
The list of things to simulate is long, to be sure. It includes the 3-D modeling of all aspects of tether motion, the effect of climbers and releasing payloads, radiation and electrodynamic effects, gravitation of the Sun, Moon and planets, atmospheric effects such as wind and precipitation, and tether material properties including strength, conductivity and friction.
It was soon understood that no single software package could model all these effects and that a collection of codes would be required. Modeling tools such as Ansys, Comsol and Mathematica were proposed as general physics solvers, along with single-purpose codes for specific aspects of simulation. Running these codes and getting them to work together will require good user interfaces and application programmer interfaces.
Once all the code is assembled and running it will be necessary to test the models against reality. Data collected from missions or experiments must be collected and put into a common format that can be compared to the output of the simulation programs. Deviations from data will show the way to improving and tuning of the models. The code must also be tested against itself over time. Such regression testing ensures that the quality of the code does not decay as changes in software and hardware are made.
Finally, all the various codes, data and computing facilities will need to be knitted together into a coherent whole. This is the role of a software framework. It includes wrappers, which allow diverse models and other software to appear as standard modules which can connect to and interchange with each other. It also includes user interfaces which allow people to drive the simulation, access to large databases which contain the data needed to run and test the models, and visualization so that the effects of changes in the models can be seen.
All of these aspects will be explored in the coming year as part of the 2017 ISEC study, with the goal of creating a state-of-the-art space elevator simulator. Developing such a high quality, professional product will of course be a large effort and ISEC invites your participation.
Dennis Wright
ISEC Simulation Team
IAC in Adelaide with Space Elevator Sessions
Since 2004, the ISEC leadership has contributed and lead the space elevator sessions at the International Astronautical Congresses around the world. The next call for papers [2017 October, in Adelaide, Australia] has been released. If you are interested, please submit an abstract prior to 28 Feb 2-17: The general topics are:
Science and Exploration, Space Life Sciences, Microgravity, Space Exploration, Space Debris, Space Astronomy
Applications and Operations, Earth observation, Space communication and navigation, Small Satellites, Integrated Applications
Technology, Astrodynamics, Materials and Structures, Space Power, Space Propulsion
Infrastructure, Space Systems, Space Transportation, Knowledge Management, Commercial Spaceflight Safety
Space and Society, Space Education and Outreach, History of Astronautics, Business Innovation, Space Law
With our special session: D4.3, Conceptualizing Space Elevators and Tethered Satellites - "The development of a system concept for space elevators [and tethered satellites] requires systems engineering and architecture approaches. IAA study (3-24) entitled "Road to Space Elevator Era" is pulling together initial steps for a new look at space elevators. This study will show how to approach mega-projects with engineering discipline leading to the initial phase of a program - Concept Development. The members of the study are all focusing on the early engineering and operational steps towards an operational capability, such as defining the missions and laying out the top-level requirements. This session will suggest strategies to illustrate the space elevator development leading to a phenomenal low cost to space infrastructure. In addition, the session can accept the strategies to leverage space tethers as a viable tool for space systems."
Space Elevator Research
Climbers have to grip the tether as they ascend so that they do not slip. Potentially rather heavy mechanical struts could be used to get a grip, but there are possible solutions that are not so heavy. The vacuum of space acts as an insulator, and so high-voltage electrostatics can be used in ways that are not possible in the atmosphere. In the 2015 space-elevator conference, a paper was presented on transmitting power through the tether. There are problems with that idea but, as a side note, the paper explained how to use high voltages in the climbers' wheels to create a strong grip between a pair of wheels, pinching the tether without the need for struts.
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are the preferred material for making the tether. CNTs have excellent electrical properties and can be made into conductors or insulators. By creating a pattern of conductors and insulators in the tether and putting a matching pattern into the climbers' wheels, the climbers will be able to grip the tether very efficiently without the need for a heavy mechanism. Electric motors can drive the wheels.
This is an example of the general point that there are multiple ways to address the technical challenges of building a space elevator once we have the necessary strong, light materials.
John Knapman
ISEC Director for Research
Architecture Note #3
Personal Prologue
This is an Architecture Note. It is the opinion of ISEC's Chief Architect. It represents an effort to document ISEC's ongoing science and engineering discussions, and is one of many to be published over time. Most importantly, it is a sincere effort to be the diary, or the chronicle, of the multitude of our technical considerations as we progress; along the pathway developing the Space Elevator.
Michael A. Fitzgerald
We need a Business Capture Plan and a working group that engages with on-orbit business activities; joining in; if and when we can.
Space Elevator as a business - We aren't trying to be one, yet
We are currently dealing with the transportation revolution that is the Space Elevator. We are being good systems engineers and are in the first stages of the system development and architecture development process to build the first Space Elevator; a transportation system. This system will be capable of delivering a variety of payloads to space without rocket power. The system engineering project to develop the transportation isn't a business, yet. That comes later; quickly, but later. We'll build it, and the business will come. Our own "Field of Dreams".
Space Elevator business enterprise - As we see it now
So the plan is ... we build it and the business will come. But, maybe we could be a bit more proactive; don't you think? Hope isn't a plan. We need to turn that hope into an action plan. In last month's Arch Note #2, I noted that there will be business in space already ... when we get there. We'll be seen as the new guy on the block unless we take some thoughtful steps beforehand. Maybe we ought to call up some future clients, and future customers, and future investors; and open a dialog. Examine the business potential of the future time and place. Examine what services and support might be good to offer to them. Get specifics. Judge priorities. Arrange common planning. Ponder investments. Structure partnerships. Make deals. Describe needed functions and services. Eventually, charge the system engineers - the ones that will be coming off the transportation project - with the engineering vision of the future business functions and services. Then, arrange the stand-up of the needed functions and services to coincide with customer's schedule. Hit the ground running; if you will. (Pardon the mushed metaphor.)
Space Elevator business enterprise planning - the timing of this
The idea that is forming is that ISEC must know what functions and services can be offered to customers, business clients, and investors. The functions and services need definition and development to be viable extensions of the transportation system. Then the needed functions and services will enter the Space Elevator as baseline modifications; accepted and tested, certified via specific on-ramps. And the customers, clients, and investors will want it ... soon. In Arch Note #2, I reported that SES Americom was calling - NOW - for satellites designed for on orbit refueling and for on orbit replacement of parts & components. Five years to design, develop and build this new satellite; and then launch into 15 years of operational life. That adds to 20 years!! 2016 + 20 = 2036!!! That is near to our IOC!!!. è "NOW" means now. Can you hear me shouting?
In closing
This is a huge topic and will have great impact on our Enterprise. "NOW" means now. See you next month.
Earth Port Update #3 - Autonomous shipping
Image courtesy of Rolls-Royce
As mentioned in the September 2016 Earth Port Update, a number of modern ocean going vessels (OGVs) and regional marine and aircraft will be utilized in the day to day activities of the Earth Port. The characteristics of these craft are briefly described in Section 4.2 and Appendix C of ISEC's 2015 Study Report. As in the aerospace industry, scientific and industrial advances continue in the fields of marine architecture and shipping related information technologies. The photo above is a recent example of a potential breakthrough in ocean shipping:
The autonomous ship.
On November 14, 2016, Rolls-Royce and VTT Technical Research Center of Finland, LTD announced a strategic partnership to design, test and validate the first generation of remote and autonomous ships. Quoting the announcement: "Rolls-Royce is applying technology, skills and experience from across its businesses to pioneer the development of remote controlled and autonomous ships and believes a remote controlled ship will be of commercial use by the end of the decade." "VTT's expertise includes ship simulation and the development and management of safety-critical and complex systems in demanding environments..."
How would such an advancement in ocean borne cargo movement benefit the operations of the Space Elevator? One of the basic tenets of the Space Elevator system is that it should and must be "safe, reliable and routine". Picture then the Floating Operations Platform (FOP) or island-based operations facilities located on or near the Equator, some 1,000 nautical miles from the port area of the Earth Port Access City (location to be determined). As envisioned, customer payloads as well as materials, supplies and personnel will be delivered on a regular basis to the remote Earth Port, say two to three times a week, in support of daily climber launch activities. Now picture autonomous or remote controlled battery powered, long distance, high speed ferries and small custom-designed container ships "plugged into" and directed by the Space Elevator's complex communications system at the HQ/POC facility. Such a transportation system can readily be developed as part of the Space Elevator enterprise and should greatly enhance the safety and reliability of this new third dimension link in the logistics chain.
The daily operations of the Earth Port also require the use of offshore work vessels such as those that service near-shore oil production platforms today. As envisioned in the 2015 Study Report and discussed at the 2016 Annual Conference, the offshore work vessels would move climber payloads and support materials from the FOP or island facilities to the Tether Terminus Platforms on a regular basis. On November 1, 2016, it was reported that U.K.'s Automated Ships Ltd and Norway's Kronsberg Maritime have signed a Memorandum of Agreement to build the Hrönn, the world's first unmanned and fully-automated vessel for offshore operations. In the report it was stated that: "Currently, only small unmanned boats are being utilized for near shore operations but there are no technical limitations on construction of large, unmanned and automated systems." "The project will leverage existing technology to develop robust, flexible and low-cost ships to become the market leader and offer not only a capable work boat but provide unparalleled R&D asset for the furtherance of the emerging industry sector."
Very pertinent to the operations and consistent with the goals of our future Earth Port, the article in the daily Marine Log ( concluded with: "The advantages of unmanned ships are manifold, but primarily center on the safeguarding of life and reduction in the cost of production and operations; removing people from the hazardous environment of at-sea operations and re-employing them on-shore to monitor and operate robotic vessels remotely..."
I will continue to monitor and report on such technological advances in marine architecture and communications that may be applicable to the Earth Port segment of the Space Elevator program.
Vern Hall,
Earth Port Harbor Master
2017 Summer Internship Program
This month we launched our new summer internship program for Freshman and Sophomores studying Aerospace related fields. Our President Dr. Pete Swan presented ISEC at the Arizona State University's chapter of the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS-ASU). We are thrilled to report that two new members joined us that night, so the launch was a huge success! Students will spend their summer mentored by ISEC senior space professionals resulting in paid internships, similar to our successful pilot program this past year. In addition they will gain valuable additions to their resumes to assist in launching their own space related careers! Applications will be made available soon, so please stay tuned to our website for important information as this new program proceeds. We look forward to your interest and working with you!
Because it is essential to movement off planet!
Reviewing the presentation of Elon Musk and his plans to establish a colony on Mars with 100,000 people during his lifetime, I recognized a need for space elevators. To lower his costs and make the venture achievable, he identified four major concepts that must be executed to enable colonization of Mars:
Full Reusability
Refilling in Orbit
Propellant Production on Mars
Right Propellant
We concur with all four and believe he must create fuel from in-situ resources on asteroids, the moon and/or Mars. The fueling of the interplanetary vehicles "out there" is key to the equation and will be accomplished. His selection is oxygen and methane, which we support fully. However, he believes he can develop fully reusable spacecraft in an economical manner. I agree that he should be able to launch from high Earth orbit, land on Mars, refuel on Mars, launch into Mars orbit, refuel again, and then come home. The difference in our approach is we believe he should use the space elevator to elevate tons of material to build his interplanetary cruise ship for 150 people [no fuel and launches through the atmosphere required to get ready]. Some fuel needs to be lifted up the space elevator on its way to the Earth Moon Lagrangian location where SpaceX can refuel fully for the trip to Mars and then go along their merry way.
The element that makes space elevators essential to his transportation infrastructure problem is that we will be permanent and reusable with continuous daily launches. This would enable him to build his huge spacecraft at GEO or the Apex Anchor with incremental lifts from space elevators. Not only would this eliminate the need for millions of tons of fuel to be burned to get to LEO and then transfer orbit, but it would enable them to build the 'cruise ship" in any shape or structure responding to the needs of the 6 month trip with 150 passengers. Without the need to get through the atmosphere and withstand 6 "g's" of acceleration many more complex and fragile structures can be launched. These characteristics ensure that the space elevator will be a major element of movement of people and infrastructure off-planet.
Dr. Peter Swan
President - ISEC
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