International Space Elevator Consortium
November 2014 Newsletter
In this Issue:
Editor’s Note
President’s Corner
National Space Society Contest
International Space Conference
Editor’s Note
Dear Friend,
Welcome to the November, 2014 edition of the ISEC eNewsletter.
In this issue's President's Corner, ISEC President Dr. Peter Swan discusses reasons to be Thankful this season, especially for the Space Elevator community.
Also there are articles on ISEC becoming a "Knowledge Partner" for the upcoming ISC2015 conference in India and the new Competition being held by the National Space Society (an ISEC affiliate) where you can design a spacecraft.
Please don’t forget to LIKE US on Facebook, FOLLOW US on Twitter, and enjoy the photos and videos that we’ve posted on Flickr and YouTube, all under our Social Identity of ISECdotORG.
Thank you!
President's Corner
Thankful! That is the word that comes to mind when we had 14 for Thanksgiving dinner. A feast it was, with family and friends giving thanks for the bountiful year.
In addition, it was a bountiful year for the space elevator community. It started out with major presentations at the International Academy of Astronautics sponsored Head of Space Agencies Summit in January. Over the next several months my "President's Corner" talked about:
April - Hope for the coming year
May - Involvement as volunteers
July - ISEC as THE Champion for space elevators
August - Successful International Space Elevator Conference
October - Kickoff of two studies, CNT status and Marine Node Definition
This month I would like us to reflect back and recognize that we have a lot to be thankful for. The most significant gift is the one of "volunteering!" I want to thank all those who have given time in one of the many activities that supports ISEC and the development of the space elevator.
"Keep Climbing my Friends!"
Pete Swan
National Space Society Contest
Do you want to design a spacecraft? Now's your chance! The National Space Society (NSS), an affiliate of ISEC, is holding a contest to design a spacecraft that;
"...will carry approximately 100 competitively selected student experiments into low Earth orbit and after a week's time return them safely to Earth...
Before the Enterprise can be built it must be designed. And this is where you can help. One feature of this program is that the Enterprise in Space team is calling on artists, engineers, science fiction fans, students, designers, space activists, and dreamers to come up with their own concept of what the NSS Enterprise Orbiter should look like. And unlike the overwhelming majority of art, graphics, and design contests that require entrants to pay a submission fee, entry in the Enterprise in Space Design Contest is free!"
The deadline date for entries is December 8th, so don't delay. Visit the contest website to view all the rules and details.
ISC 2015
ISEC will be represented at the 2015 International Space Conference as a KNOWLEDGE PARTNER. Mr. Sourabh Kaushal, a presenter at a recent Space Elevator Conference and an entrant into the Pearson Prize competition, will be talking about ISEC and handing out ISEC literature (ISEC Reports and CLIMB - The Space Elevator Journal) at the conference.
This sounds like an exciting event and a great reason to visit India - mark your calendars and make your reservations now!